This Lonesome Paradise - Needles & Pines


Astoria, Oregon outfit This Lonesome Paradise has released the intriguing first single from their debut album “Electric Dreams,” out on October 31.

“Needles & Pines” is a mescaline dark country that sounds strangely hasteless in a grinning twilight palette. The rhythm and bass measuredly curl, while the guitar and harmonica broadcast the melody of unkind steppes in desolate regions, studded with eerie, faded cannibal idols and abandoned rotten cars. With a revolver at the ready, the deep Morrisonian vocals melt into this disturbing tones. This is how The Myrrors might sound like if, along with Scandinavian drone rock of the ‘70s, they also reinterpreted acid westerns. On “Needles & Pines,” This Lonesome Paradise first and foremost does not skimp on creating an atmosphere, and it’s 100% worth it.