Coffee Pot - Alkaline

Read full review & listen on Grotesqualizer.

The band Coffee Pot from Phoenix, Arizona, is about to brighten up your day with their fantastic track “Alkaline” from the album “Anthrophobia” released on November 9.

“Alkaline” begins with a fiery rhythm and mighty machine power, leading you to the basement of the motley night club. The vocals fit the atmosphere of the psychedelic pop, and at the same time are surprisingly sweet. The music part is so competently constructed, it’s intriguing and interesting to follow. The whole song is a unique experience made of amazing combinations, echoes of the past, present and future times. “Alkaline” would be a great soundtrack for a multi-genre comedy film about the apocalypse, just like “Turbo Kid,” only instead of the '80s themes, the aesthetics of the experimental psychedelia of the '60s would be mixed in there. It could be called  “Kosmische Kid.”